Things You Might Like To Know

What is on the Breakfast Menu? Breakfast is a selection of home-made bircher muesli, fresh fruit salad and freshly squeezed juice, yoghurt and local honey, eggs (normally scrambled or poached), avocado, tomatoes, mushrooms or other seasonal produce, sourdough toast and a range of coffees and teas. Produce is locally grown and sourced.
What time is Breakfast served? Breakfast is normally between 8.00 and 9.00am with 3 separate sittings to enable individual service for our guests. Earlier breakfasts can be arranged on prior request for those guests who need to make an early get-away.
What time can we check in? Check in is from 3pm-7pm. We do not have reception facilities so arrivals before 3pm and after 7pm are not possible.
What if I am/we are Vegan or Gluten/Lactose intolerant? We are able to cater for a variety of dietary needs - we simply ask that you let us know your particular needs several days before arrival.
Are there Laundry facilities? Laundry can be processed for you. However please be aware that we are on rain/tank water and an extra charge of $30/basket will be levied for the service. There is a local laundromat nearby.
How do I/we find you? Some satellite navigation systems may send you to the wrong section of The Mountain Way. The correct and most direct way to find us is to leave the Pacific Highway at the Solitary Islands Way/Sapphire Beach exit and take the Gaudrons Road exit (first on the left when travelling north, or straight ahead after crossing the highway when travelling south). Proceed up Gaudrons Road to the row of letter boxes (approx 400m) and take the Mountain Way (private road) turning on the left. The Sensom car park is approximately 800m up the hill on the right. The front door is down the steps from the car park.
Where can I/we eat for Dinner? There are a wide number of take-away/eat-in venues within close proximity (a couple of minutes to 15 minutes drive). Use the links below to see what is available. It is best to phone the venue in advance if you want to eat-in as some venues can be fully booked. If you wish to bring a take-away or supplies for the BBQ at S e n s o m please feel free to do so.
Please note that all food must be consumed in the Sensom dining room or outdoor areas not in private rooms.
Where to eat near S e n s o m
Where to eat in Coffs Harbour
Where to eat in Woolgoolga
Can I/we bring our child/children? Sensom is for adults only. We are a child free venue and therefore unable to accommodate children below the age of 16.